December 13, 2009


    Brett was an average guy, trying to get through his junior year in college, anxious to get out and get into the work force. He always behaved calmly, and rarely spoke to his fellow students about anything.  Why should he? All they would do is screw him over, like his high school peers did.

    Since his middle school years, Brett had always been interested in having his balls kicked, because it was the only way he felt he could get sexual gratification.  Brett had his eyes on a particular girl, named Carly.  Carly was a quiet girl throughout school, whereas Brett was, at first, a more talkative person.  Brett spent as much time as he could with her, and over time, they developed a strong friendship.  Though Carly was shy in nature, she was always talkative and always had a smile on her face when Brett was with her. 

    Sophomore year Brett finally asked Carly to be his girl, and she didn't hesitate to say yes.  After 4 months of dating, Brett decided to bring up Ballbusting.  Carly laughed at it at first, but she agreed to try it.  Over time, ballbusting became a part of their daily lives.  Carly found that taking down a man nearly twice her size was empowering, and it slowly made her less shy at school. Carly began making friends... Lots of friends.  Ballbusting had always been a secret between Carly and Brett, but a secret could not be kept between a Carly and what she never had before: a best friend. 

    Since Carly had been so quiet for such a long time, and now that she was coming out of her shell, she was making a lot of friends the most notable of these friends was Shea, one of the cheerleaders.  Shea was a very talkative one, who, like a typical popularity queen, was a gossiping snake.  Since Carly was not the smartest when it came to friendships, she was easily victimized by Shea's lies.  When it came down to it, Shea was more interested in knowing about Carly's relationship with Brett for gossip and drama than she was about being Carly's friend. 

    Near the end of Junior year, Carly was sleeping over at Shea's house with a few of the cheerleaders.  All of the cheerleaders except Shea went down to the pool to go swimming, and Carly stayed with Shea to keep her company.  Shea starting talking about relationships
    "So, how big is it?" she asked.
    "I'm sorry?" Carly replied.
    "Brett's cock, silly.  How big is it? Mikey's is 7 and a half inches." Shea said.
    "Well...  It's around 7 inches, but I never really took the time to measure it."
    "What turns him on?  Mikey loves it when I lick around his taint, freaky isn't it?" Shea asked.
    "Well.  If that's what you want to call 'freaky'." Carly said.
    "What do YOU consider freaky?" Shea asked, obviously intrigued by the conversation.
    "He likes it a bit rough." Carly reluctantly replied.
    "Oh, and you like that too?  A little wrastlin' in the haystack?" Shea said, in the most emberassing fake southern accent and terminology.
    "That and a kick in the balls."  Carly 'joked'.
    "A kick in the balls?" Shea asked, surprised.
    "Well, yeah. But you have to keep it a secret, or I'll never hear the end of it." Carly begged.
    "That's hilarious!  Don't worry, it's our little secret." Shea lied. 

    By the end of the week, everybody in school knew about it.  Nobody said anything to Carly or Brett, but nobody would talk to either of them, and they got glares from around the cafeteria during lunch.  Carly knew what was going on, and she was scared it would explode.  Brett was uncomfortably suspicious, so he brought it up.
    "What the fuck is going on?" He asked.
    "I don't know, people are being strange" Carly responded.
    "Don't tell me you don't know, I know what it is."
    "What is it then?"
    "You said something, didn't you?"
    "Like what?" she tried to evade the questioning.
    "Don't bullshit me, you know damn well what, just be honest."
    "Okay, I did... I didn't mean to! Shea pulled it out of me!" Carly pleaded.
    "Say no more.  I knew Shea was no friend, she's a snake, a weasel, a worthless piece of shit!"
    "No buts, we're through." Brett interrupted.
    At that point, Brett left the lunch table and found a seat at another empty table.  His darkest secret was considered news by his classmates, and the his love had betrayed him.  Both Brett and Carly turned gloomy, depressed, and silent.  Not a word was said between them, and rarely did either of them speak to their classmates.  Brett wished to be out of high school so that he could make a new start, as an average Joe.

    Brett did a good job of this.  He went to a less popular college, as to avoid seeing old friends.  Only a few people from his high school went to that college, and they didn't know much or care to take to mind what happened in high school.

    Brett was on his way to a class for the first day of his spring semester, chatting it up with his friend Mark.  When he entered the classroom, he noticed a strikingly familiar face.  He instantly stopped talking, looked away, and quickly found a seat.
    "What the hell was that?" Mark asked, puzzled at Brett's strange behavior.
    "Uh, nothing.  Nothing." Brett replied.
    "Okay man, lol." Mark said.
    "Did you just say 'lol'?" Brett asked.
    "Uh, no." Mark denied it.
    As the professor went through the syllabus, Brett could not pay attention.  All he could think about was who he saw across the room.  How could Carly be in his class? Howcome he didn't know she even went to his school?  Brett paid most of his attention to Carly, in the other corner of the room all day.  In fact, for the first two weeks of class she was all he could pay attention to.  Truth be told, Brett had never lost his feelings for Carly.  Brett loved her with every fiber of his being, but he couldn't get over what happened during high school. 

    Finally, Brett found that he couldn't hold it in any longer.  Brett knew that he had to say something to her.  He was falling apart emotionally.  He HAD to say something. 

    When class ended, he approached her as she was putting away her books.  Everyone was already gone or on their way out.     "Hey, Carly." Brett said, reluctantly.
    "Hey, Brett." Carly said. Both of them hesitated to make eye contact.
    "I was wondering... if you wanted to um... go to lunch some time." Brett asked.
    "I'd be glad to.  How's Friday?" she asked, looking up at Brett, finally making eye contact.
    "Friday's fine."  Brett replied, noticing the bright blue eyes of immense beauty that he hadn't seen for so long. 

    Carly walked away, with a firm slap in the balls on her way by.  "Friday!" she reminded him. 
    "Friday!" Brett repeated.

    Friday came along, and they met at Panera Bread for a light lunch.  The two ate quickly, paying so much attention to eachother and their schoolwork that they didn't even eat.  They spoke of old times, and all the fun they used to have.  Carly asked if they could make it work out, and Brett said he couldn't see why not.  Carly made an invitation for him to come over to her apartment that night, and they could have some fun, like they used to.

    Carly had never found a man like Brett, one that was willing to be busted, and Brett had never found a woman like Carly, willing to bust him.  It seemed that the two could never find new partners, and they were truely a perfect pair.

    Brett showed up that evening at Carly's apartment, not expecting such a surprise welcome.  As soon as the door closed, Carly made contact with Brett's balls with a loud THWAP.  Brett slid down to the floor and laid there for a few moments.
    "Enjoying your view of the floor?" Carly asked?
    "I've noticed that it is, in fact, purple." Brett answered.
    "Not as purple as your balls will be soon." Carly replied.
    "God, that's the epitome of cheesy."  Brett replied, laughing.
    "But who's on the floor right now?" she replied.
    "Touché" he admitted.

    It was never Brett's decision to stop ballbusting.  Ever since the beginning, Carly was so interested that she said only she could choose where to end it.  And she didn't plan on ending it soon.
    "Get up, Brett!"
    Brett stood up, his balls slightly red but nothing too much, he was ready for more. Carly had him pick up the table and put it it on its side against the wall.  He did as ordered.  Carly tied him spread eagle to the table's legs.  "I want to have some fun here, and I can't have you squirming or fondling your balls to ease the pain.  I want open shots.  If I think you're in too much pain, I'll fondle your balls myself."  Carly said.  It was unlikely Carly would think he's in too much pain.

    Carly backed up, and looked at her perfectly formed target.  She started with a single kick.  Brett's knees bent and his chest came out, but he was unable to put anything in front of his balls.  Carly knew he was secure.  She decided to do 10 consecutive kicks, which all impacted with a thick THWAP.  Brett yelped in pain, but held it in.  Carly giggled and finished it off with a pulled back megakick, with all her force.  It impacted and clipped the left nut into his pelvis.  Brett screamed in pain, and Carly ran to get some duct tape.  When carly came back, she shoved a pair of her underwear in his mouth and duct taped it shut, then tested it out.  She constantly kneed him, over and over again.  He tried to scream but the sound he made would not be heard next door.

    "How are they feeling?" Carly asked.
    "Ugh..." Brett replied.
    "I know, it's hard to think when you're staring at my tits, isn't it?" Carly shouted, followed by a straight full force punch to the nuts, smashing and compressing the right nut hard into the table.  Brett tried to yell, but nothing came out.
    "Ugh, boys... I don't understand them.  You know nobody can hear you but every time I punch you in the balls, you scream anyway." She said, followed by a hard punch and a yelp.  "You see?!".

    Carly carefully allowed the table to fall to the ground, so she could get some stomps in.  Brett was on his back now, and his balls, red and swollen, were rolled out on the table.  Perfect for what she was planning to do.  She lifted her knee to her chest as best she could, and unleashed a vicious stomp.  He foot flew through the air and impacted hard, cracking the table underneath the balls.  Her heel hit the table, and the ball of her foot hit Brett's left nut.  Brett screamed in extreme pain, and Carly yelped in pain as well, and hopped around on one leg, before falling to the ground, where her intense anger overcame her.  She closed her hand into a fist, and started POUNDING Brett's balls.  Brett constantly yelled for her to stop, but she was unable to, as she had slipped into an aggressive rage.  Her fist impacted and with each hit, Brett's nuts compressed more and more, and reached their breaking point.  In one punch, unlike the other punches, the testicles didn't push her fist back, instead, the right nut just exploded, and her hand hit the wood through it, spreading it around in the sack.  She mistaked this as just another time she hit the table, and she lost it more, throwing 15 more hard punches toward the left nut, which miraculously held in.  She got up, dizzy from all of the freaking out, and threw a hard kick in the balls, which sent Brett into a screaming fit, as her toes clipped what was left of his right nut. 
    "Goodnight." She said, unaware of the damage she had done, and she left him there, moaning and screaming.

     When Carly woke up the next morning to find what she had done, she decided that she had the perfect excuse for her actions. "Brett..  You left me without even thinking about what I had to say.  We haven't spoken for years.  And now you want me back, not because you love me, but because you can't find someone else to do what I do to you.  Well, I'll take you back, but not because I love you, because I also cannot find someone I'd enjoy busting more.  But for now, it's strictly ballbusting.  I'm going to allow you to keep your left nut so you can still feel pain when I kick you..."

       After a few years of being together, Brett summed the money to get a prosthetic right testicle replacement, to make ballbusting more fun.  Carly played with and busted the fake one, but she knew she got  a nice reaction when she got the left.  Her favorite party joke was to pull out Brett's cock and balls, and squeeze the shit out of the prosthetic nut, achieving no reaction from Brett.  Usually, people freaked.  Then she would always finish off by squeezing the shit out of the real nut, and watch him cry and fall to the floor.  She then explained that his right nut was "Smashed in a car accident involving him sleeping in the back seat."



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